Community Groups are intentional communities that seek to love God, one another, and our neighbors in our city.
At Citylife, a Community Group is a smaller community of people (usually 5 to 15 in number) who gather together during the week to grow deeper in their love and relationship with God, with one another, and with our neighbors.
CG’s meet together in person (most meet weekly) in different neighborhoods across the city and metro area and are primarily open to those who call Citylife home. Though each CG has some differences, we seek to center our life together in 3 main areas: COMMUNITY, CARE, and PRESENCE.
First, we are communities that seek to practice spiritual COMMUNITY with one another in our church. CG is one space where relationships are formed at Citylife. It is also a space where we seek to grow deeper together in our relationship with God and with one another through regular time engaging in communal practices of worship, fellowship, Scripture, and prayer.
Second, we are communities that seek to practice spiritual CARE for one another in our church. CG’s are the primary place to be loved, known and cared for by our church leadership and fellow members of the community at Citylife. Our network of CG’s serve as the central nervous system of care for our church.
Third, we are communities that seek to practice a spiritual PRESENCE of the gospel in our neighborhoods and for our neighbors in our city. While we are called to gather together for corporate worship in center city Boston every Sunday, many of us are sent back out to live and work in various neighborhoods across the Greater Boston Metro area Monday through Saturday. CG’s are smaller communities of people who live or work in the same neighborhood, college campus, or area and seek to share the gospel visibly for our neighbors in those places. Every member of Citylife is strongly encouraged to be an active and committed participant of the CG in the neighborhood or metro area in which they live, work, and love.
While each CG is slightly different, a normal monthly schedule may look something like this:
2× a month - Worship, Prayer, Bible Discussion, and Fellowship
1× a month - Fellowship and Community Social Event
1× a month - Neighborhood-based service or night of prayer
Our Sunday worship service can be a large space where it’s more challenging and intimidating to get to know and be known by others in the broader church community. CG’s are smaller communities that gather together in more intimate settings where you can experience spiritual community and spiritual care from others in our church during the week.
Find A Community Group
Our CG’s are organized by neighborhoods in the city and areas in Metro Boston.
Reach out to a CG Leader in your neighborhood if you’re interested in joining a Community Group!