Volunteers Needed for Pine Street Inn, Sat 3/15

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
— 1 John 3:18

Citylife believes that a heart authentically moved by the gospel will respond in an outpouring of love. Loving our neighbor as Jesus loved us means opening our hearts to the Spirit’s transformative work: embracing real-life opportunities to re-order priorities, be uncomfortable, and loosen our hold on things that have become idols, whether material or philosophical. In this, God reveals His glory and character to the watching world and to us.

  • Citylife volunteers provide over 150 meals every month to our unhoused neighbors in Brockton and Somerville. Learn more here.

  • Foster families welcome and care for children who have been temporarily removed from their homes by the state for their safety. There is a desperate shortage of loving foster homes for the thousands of children in the MA child welfare system. Not quite ready to be a foster parent? Volunteer to support Citylife foster families with material and babysitting needs.

  • Inequities and unhealthy norms around gender roles have resulted in a proliferation of sexual abuse and related scandals in recent years, including within the Church. Scripture has been distorted and used to justify abuse and perpetuate harm to victims. Citylife provides specialized support for survivors of abuse and sexual assault. Learn more here.

  • The Boston Public School system reports that 70% of its students are “economically disadvantaged.” More than 4,000 BPS students are homeless. Volunteer as a classroom helper or tutor, or participate in one of our clothing drives. Learn more here.

  • Citylife partners with Chinatown Respite Care, whose mission is to share the gospel with Chinese families affected by disability and connect them with neighboring churches. Learn more here.

What We Do

  1. Equip and enable the Church to pursue mercy and justice for the needy, suffering, and marginalized, as essential attributes of an authentic Christian faith.

  2. Raise awareness and plant seeds to encourage the Church to engage the gospel in thinking about and responding to the injustice and suffering around us.

  3. Form and maintain service partnerships with vetted service providers; offer service opportunities and coordinate volunteers.

  4. Connect and support lay-led ministries and new initiatives; equip and support lay leaders.

For more information, please contact Nam Hee Kim at namhee@citylifeboston.org.